Tips and Tricks to Work Through Writer’s Block


Task initiation is an executive function that refers to one’s ability to begin a new task in a timely manner without prompts or reminders. Children who struggle with task initiation show it in different ways. While one child may stare at a blank computer screen, another may procrastinate or avoid a task altogether. These behaviors are typically observed more frequently with tasks that require multi-step processes or critical thinking. Because many writing assignments require students to engage in the entire multi-step writing process, students with poor task initiation skills often feel overwhelmed, or even develop writer’s block (the inability to start or continue writing for reasons other than lack of skill or commitment).

This blog shares simple tips and tricks to help students initiate writing tasks or overcome the dreaded writer’s block:

Create an outline

Creating a plan for writing assignments is a big help. For younger grades, graphic organizers and brainstorming maps can be extremely beneficial. Older students can create an outline to help organize their ideas and thoughts. The planning phase is also a great time to determine how long each section will take to complete! It may be helpful to create a schedule to determine when each section will be completed. Schedules can increase motivation and help incorporate planned breaks into longer projects.

Work backwards

Knowing where something ends can help the brain process the information in a new way. It can take the anxiety out of reading a new book, watching a new show, or even writing a paper. If students get stuck trying to figure out the perfect beginning, they can try writing the end of the assignment first and working backwards. 

Find Resources and Examples

If a writing assignment requires the use of resources or specific examples from a text, students cab try outlining these ideas if they get stuck in the process. This can spark new ideas and help redirect thoughts. For younger grades, finding resources and thinking of specific examples can help your child write strong, detailed sentences. It will also help chunk the assignment into smaller workloads, which can help motivate them to get started with the physical writing part.

Relocate or Reorganize for Less Distraction

Relocating to a new location or decluttering the current work station may increase the chance of curing the student’s writer’s block. If the student usually works in their room, they can try working at the kitchen table or in a public setting, such as a library. If your child’s workspace is cluttered, try helping them declutter it or move them to a new tidy space to prevent unnecessary distractions. 

If your child focuses best with background noise, be sure they use familiar sounds (songs, shows, etc.) that do not require their attention to be shared between multiple tasks. With struggles in task initiation, it will be easy for a child’s brain to choose the more exciting task to attend to - be sure that your child’s background noise is supporting their brain’s thinking process and not inviting distractions to take over. 

Use Breaks and Rewards as Motivation

Breaks are an easy way to keep kids motivated and encourage them to get started on the a new section of the assignment. When using breaks and rewards, be sure to use a timer for time on task. Checklists can be used as a visual reminder to see how much progress has been made! For example, your child could create a list of individual sections they need to complete (i.e. Introduction, 10 minute break, Paragraph 1, 10 minute break…) and cross each one off as they finish. Using positive reinforcement and self-talk can help your child overcome writer’s block and motivate them to keep working. 

When writer’s block strikes, it can seem impossible to overcome. Sometimes the best medicine is taking a break, re-organizing, and finding a groove!

Written by Ami Z.

Crafting the Ultimate Homework Routine


Creating a well-structured nightly homework routine can make all the difference when it comes to managing the pressures of middle school life! Middle school students have to balance an increasingly difficult workload, numerous extracurricular activities, time with family, and their social lives. This blog dives into specific strategies for crafting a homework routine that can help students streamline their study habits, ultimately leading to more academic success and more free time for preferred activities!

Understanding the Assignments

Before students can appropriately plan and manage their homework, it is important that they have a full understanding of the tasks at hand. Students should have a concrete and consistent method of keeping track of their assignments. Assignment trackers should include space for the assignment's name, any important details, a due date, and a way to indicate when the assignment is complete. It is also imperative that students understand the requirements of the assignment. The assignment tracker should be easily transportable between school and home so that students can check in with their teachers in class if there is ever any confusion about a particular task. Students can also ask their teacher about how long they expect an assignment to take.

Creating a Homework Schedule

Creating a homework schedule is key to ensuring assignments are completed in a timely and efficient manner. The first step is to take a look at the entire month. Consider purchasing a monthly whiteboard calendar to keep track of trips, sports games, appointments, etc. Then move into a weekly schedule. Write down when all activities that take place each day of the week, and then determine how much time is left to complete homework each day. Now, students will have a clear visual understanding of just how much time they actually have to study and work each day of the week. Consider using apps like Todoist or myHomework to help create these types of schedules.

Choosing the Right Workspace

Having a calm and quiet workspace can greatly enhance the study experience. In this previous Peak blog, a multitude of tips and tricks for creating the ultimate homework space were shared. Essentially, a home workspace should be free from the hustle and bustle of the home, have comfortable, upright seating, good lighting, and be clutter-free and organized.

Setting Up Good Homework Habits

Students need to experiment to find out what homework habits work best for them. For example, some students work better by tackling their easiest tasks first, while others might prefer starting with the most challenging ones. Some students might be night owls and able to work later into the night, whereas others might be more focused if they allocate extra time in earlier in the day to complete their work. Encouraging students to try out a few different methods can benefit them in the long run because they will discover what works best for them. A few other helpful homework habits include starting each session with deep breathing or a mindful minute, taking scheduled study breaks, or listening to calm instrumental music. This Peak blog also delves into some strategies for helping students when they have a hard time getting to work at night.

Creating a nightly homework routine will look different for each student. Expect it to take some time to figure out what truly works best for your child. Experimenting with different methods and honing in on the most useful ones for each individual will ultimately lead to better habits and academic success!

Written by Laine J.

Real-Life Math Skills: Building Money Sense


It has become increasingly more common for consumers to rely on contactless pay as a preferred transaction method. People are using physical money less frequently, and while this may be more convenient for those of us who have a strong foundation of money sense, this may also develop a new challenge for the younger generations. Despite young adults having access to electronic banking tools, children of all ages need to develop foundational skills related to money prior to more advanced skills such as budgeting, balancing checkbooks, and creating saving plans. Although it may seem impossible to do in a world of “tap, insert, or swipe card here”, there are plenty of additional ways for children to strengthen their skills! 

Money sense often begins in school as early as first grade with students identifying coins and bills and their corresponding values. From here, students begin practicing more complex skills such as money-related word problems and understanding the relationship between place value and money. There are plenty of strategies you can use at home to help students of all ages continue to develop these skills.

For students, it is important to use engaging tools to help them build these beginning mathematical skills. Math can be such a tricky concept so it may be beneficial to incorporate a mixture of games and practical activities to help students develop these concepts. Aside from pretend store playsets, there are plenty of board games that teach these foundational skills that can be found at Lakeshore Learning, Amazon, Walmart and more! Some of these include Monopoly, Pay Day, Allowance, Making Change, and the Exact Change. Games are such a positive and interactive way to engage students and develop these skills in a low stress environment. Additionally, for various ages, there are math flashcards, trivia questions, workbooks, and online tools that can help strengthen these skills!

Other ways to help students develop these skills include processes such as earning allowances, creating savings plans so your child knows exactly how much they need to save before purchasing an item, and even building savings (perhaps in a piggy bank!). As your child grows older, it may be important to share insights on the roles and responsibilities of earning money. Tasks such as trips to the grocery store, buying clothes, and eating out could be excellent ways to start these conversations. Greenlight is one banking app/debit card for kids and teens that allows parents to set controls and manage money spending with their kids. Additionally, We Are Teachers provides a list of ways you can help your child develop money sense at home. 

Money sense often begins with fundamental skills as simple as understanding the value of money. Children begin developing these skills from a young age and continue to develop them through high school and their young adult lives. Helping students strengthen their money sense and establish money management strategies will contribute to their success as adults! Money can often be a stressful topic, but helping your child develop these skills can be a fun and rewarding experience! Real-life examples, visuals, and physical money can be one of the best ways for your child to make sense of these complex concepts!

Written by Ami Z.

Exploring the Past: Engaging Children in History Through Travel


Children are natural explorers, full of curiosity about the world. With summer in full swing, vacations and trips provide a golden opportunity to tap into their natural wonder and enlighten them about the rich history that can be discovered through travel. This blog will dive into creative and unique ways to engage children in the captivating narratives of our past, connecting their travels to a deeper understanding of history.

Plan Visits to Historical Sites

When planning your family vacations, make it a point to include visits to historical sites. These can include a wide range of locations, from museums to ancient ruins and renowned landmarks. Many historical landmarks and museums offer guided tours or activities tailored specifically for children, heightening their interest in the subject matter. To up the excitement factor, consider organizing a scavenger hunt related to the specific landmark or site. This interactive approach not only engages children, but also allows them to more actively participate in history.

Utilize Guidebooks

Prior to your trip, consider investing in guidebooks or exploring online resources that outline various places of historical significance in your chosen destination. Involve your child in the process, exploring different possibilities and discussing what interests them most. Guidebooks and websites often include an array of historical facts that can provide a valuable context to the upcoming trip, building both curiosity and anticipation.

Make History Hands-On

Enlivening history through hands-on activities can be an extraordinary way to create an immersive learning experience. Encourage your child to try historical foods, witness plays or reenactments, participate in traditional crafts, or explore the musical traditions of the region. These types of experiences will not only deepen their appreciation for history, but also foster more of a connection to the culture and people of the past.

Attend Cultural Events

Research and identify cultural events taking place during your travels. Attending these events exposes your child to many different historical perspectives through unique traditions, music, food, activities, displays, and art. By immersing themselves in shared experiences of the culture, children gain a broader understanding of the historical context in which it all unfolds.

Document Your Travels

Capture cherished memories by taking plenty of photos, videos, and jotting down favorite moments from your trip. Once you return home, involve your child in the process of creating a scrapbook, PowerPoint presentation, or video slideshow to recount their experiences. This interactive reflection reinforces their learning and allows them to showcase their newfound knowledge to family and friends.

By taking the time to emphasize history through travel, you provide your child with a deeper appreciation of those who came before us. By gaining insights into the past, they can contemplate the contributions they themselves may make in shaping the future!

Written by Laine J.



During the months of August through May students’ days are filled with a combination of school and non-school related activities from homework and projects to sports, chores/errands, play dates, extracurricular activities, and hobbies. Many days are filled with tightly wound schedules with little room for downtime — even on the weekends. During the summer months, schedules can easily be filled with things to do and places to be all day long. Regularly scheduled downtime can easily get overlooked or pushed to the bottom of a priority list. While this is true, it is important that children are still given the opportunity to explore this uninterrupted time.

What is Downtime and Why Is It Important?

Lindsey Frey explains that “Downtime or quiet time is unstructured time, away from screens or other stimulating play, to allow kids to engage in independent activities” (Frey, 2023, para. 4). Kids of all ages might have difficulty finding activities that do not involve other people or electronic devices. However, this unstructured, quiet downtime allows individuals time to process new information and experiences, independently explore interests, and building executive functioning skills.

Incorporating Downtime into Your Schedule

Even if you are an expert in rest and relaxation yourself, your child might not have the tools to master downtime right away — and that is absolutely okay! Just like any new skill, your child may need guidance, practice, and modeling when they first start routine downtime. Here are three quick tips for implementing downtime into your child’s daily routine:

1. Set a timer and start in small increments! Make sure your child has time to explore their interests, but give them a set time to practice time management and organizational skills. You can start with a small amount of time and slowly build their stamina as your child is ready. Don’t forget to celebrate their wins! For older students, a set amount of time will allow them to plan how they would like to spend their downtime.

2. Create a choice board or lists! This gives your child the opportunity to make a choice and helps them understand the boundaries of downtime. It is a great way to help children with task initiation if they are unsure of how to start. Sometimes as children get older, it can get harder to manage schedules, assignments and tasks. Creating a list, or specifically a to-do list, can promote independence and college/career readiness.

3. Change the environment as needed! For the younger children, this could mean playing independently in different areas of the house or even outdoors. For older children, it may be reading, writing, etc. in a public setting such as a library, park, or coffee shop.

Starting a Routine This summer

Although summer break can easily be filled with camps, vacation, and special activities, family schedules are usually a little more relaxed than during the school year. Summer is a wonderful time to incorporate routine downtime so children master the concept before the upcoming school year. For younger children downtime could look like reading/listening to books, playing independent games inside or outside, mindfulness activities, playing with chalk, bubbles, or play-doh, watching the clouds, coloring, or drawing. For teenagers it could look like reading, journaling, mindfulness/yoga, nature walks/hikes, puzzles, rest/sleeping in, creating and following routines, adult coloring books, and even listening to podcasts/books.

A healthy combination of playtime, downtime, and family time, or PDF, will have a lasting impact on your child! One of the best things you can do for your child during downtime this summer is to model and set an example for them. Who knows, you may even discover a hidden talent or hobby yourself!


Frey, Lyndsey. “Busy Schedule? The Benefits of Daily Downtime for Kids May Surprise You.” Inside Children’s Blog, 19 Mar. 2023,

Written by Ami Z.

Supporting Children as They Develop a Sense of Self


As humans, our sense of self is integral to most every aspect of our life. Identity can be formed from a variety of factors, including hobbies, personality traits, occupation, spiritual beliefs and more. As opposed to their youngest years of life, children entering elementary school and beyond begin to develop their unique sense of self in a more meaningful and abstract manner. Integrating projects, enrichment activities, discussion, reflection, and hobbies can all benefit children in the development of their identity and their ability to express themselves.

Choice Projects

Project-based learning is ideal for the development of a positive sense of self because it promotes intrinsic motivation, curiosity, questioning, reflection and child-led task initiation. Projects might be child-led, teacher assigned, or created by a family member! If assigned a project for school, children can find small ways to tailor the project to fit their interests. For example, they can find a topic that speaks to them, or choose a manner to present their project that excites them. Perhaps they are a visual learner and want to hand-draw every picture in their presentation, or they love making movies and choose to do their presentation video style! With summer coming up, this is a great time for parents to encourage their children to pick a project of their own to work on over the next couple of months. Self-directed projects offer a full creative outlet for children to work within, all while learning more about themselves and what makes them who they are. Long term self-choice projects appropriate for the summer might include: learning how to build and maintain a garden bed, writing a book or comic book, creating a dance routine or talent show, doing a research project on a place they want to travel, or building their own robot! The options here are endless, with an end-goal of finding something that encourages the joy of discovery and is as self-led as possible.

Enrichment Activities

Enrichment activities, or extracurriculars, play a huge role in building a child’s sense of identity. Parents may offer guidance and support in the process of exploring which activities speak most to their children. Extracurriculars can often become overwhelming and sometimes, not so child-led. It is beneficial to really observe children’s interests and help them to choose activities outside of school that are going to spark joy and help them grow as individuals. After all, children end up spending MANY hours doing these activities, so it’s important to pick ones that they find interesting. Take inventory of what hobbies are already most enjoyable to the child and align those with a club, camp, or class. Nowadays, there are an array of options to choose from, like music, sports, cooking, yoga, dance, theater and STEM. It may be helpful to allow children the space to practice a few of these enrichment activities in order to then be able to narrow down their favorites!


As children grow and advance throughout elementary school, so too does their sense of self and identity. The end of the school year provides a great opportunity for kids to reflect upon goals, achievements, growth and personal interests. Here are some ideas that may jumpstart this process. Students can put together a portfolio of all of their favorite projects, art pieces, writing samples and other accomplishments. They can share this with friends and family and talk through the “why” behind their choices. To reflect on their best memories from outside of school, encourage children to create a “top 10” list of the ten most memorable, funny, interesting or unique things that happened to them over the year. This can become a scrapbook of sorts if they tie in a small writing and add photographs or illustrations to go along with each item on their list. This type of self-examination will ultimately help children to better evaluate their strengths, passions and gifts!

A strong, and positive sense of self is helpful in every arena of life down the road. Understanding one’s own core beliefs and identity benefits the ability to set boundaries, achieve goals, develop and maintain relationships and so much more. Finding ways to weave in self-exploration throughout the school-aged years, ultimately fosters and nurtures the confidence and pride a child has with their own identity.

Written by Laine J.

Avoiding the End-of-the-Year Burnout


It’s May, the final month of the school year! This is the time when you really have to pull out all of your parenting superpowers to help your kids finish the school year strong. Putting in a little extra effort to set the stage for success during these final weeks can make all the difference.

Healthy Habits

The end of the school year often feels extremely busy. Teachers work to fit in their final learning objectives and organizations put on special events to showcase students’ accomplishments from the year. Because extra stress can bubble up as the school year winds down, maintaining healthy habits is a must! Encouraging your kids to focus on their three M’s (meals, movement and meditation) is so beneficial. Packing extra special lunches for the final weeks of school can provide a midday pick-me-up and bring kids joy. Just as important is the need for kids to get some energy out after school. For those who do not have sports or other physical activities built into their schedule, you can suggest that your kids choose to go on a walk with a friend, play with the family pet in the yard or go on a bike ride. Beginning and ending each day with a mindful minute is a simple yet powerful practice to reduce stress and calm the body down.

Built-In homework Breaks

If your nightly habits have fallen off, it’s not too late to get back on track. Assisting your student to create a daily homework checklist with both assignments and tasks to complete for upcoming projects and tests provides a concrete to-do list. Colored pens and highlighters can be used to prioritize or emphasize tasks. While some older students can create and monitor their to-do list independently, younger children often do best with support. Setting a kitchen timer with a goal work time (which varies greatly based on age and attention span) to earn a 5-minute break can help keep the worker motivated. Younger students do well with visual timers. You can mark the clock with a fun sticker to indicate when it is time for a break. Strategies to lighten the mood and make homework time more productive during the final weeks of school are great!

sprinkles of Encouragement

Have you started to feel more like a homework drill sergeant than your children’s supporter? If so, they could be feeling extra stress and pressure. Focusing on the positives and providing small accolades for hard work can be really powerful when students feel burnt out. You can leave handwritten post-it notes in workspaces, select fitting inspirational magnets for the refrigerator each day, or slide cute little greeting cards into your kids’ backpacks each Monday to encourage them to keep working hard. When they feel your support, they might be more likely to push through to the end of the year.

Daily Motivators

If intrinsic motivation is low at the end of the school year, small daily rewards can help kids make it through the last weeks of school. The rewards should be goal-focused but also personalized to bring your kids joy. Some ideas include: choosing a special dinner, watching a favorite TV show as a family, getting a free pass from chores for the night, earning extra screen time, and going out for frozen yogurt. For younger students, it is fun to create a deck of reward cards together at the beginning of each week and let them pull a random card each evening as they earn one. A little extra motivation can go a long way.

Written by Krista G.

Simple Strategies to Teach and Enhance Annotation Skills


Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a way to help students connect better with a text that was both simple and enjoyable for them? Well, learning to annotate a text can be just that! Annotation does not have to be complicated or intimidating. This blog explores some simple, yet effective, strategies for middle and high school students to learn how to annotate a text in order to better comprehend and retain the information they are analyzing.

Why Annotate?

Simply put, the annotation of a text is, “any action that deliberately interacts with a text to enhance the reader’s understanding of, recall of, and reaction to the text.” So, why is this important for students to effectively learn how to do? Middle and high school students are busy with extracurriculars, family events, school and then homework each night. Oftentimes, it can be easy for them to go on auto-pilot when reading an assigned text and “check it off” of their to-do list, while not actively engaging with the text. When revisiting that same text on a quiz, test or paper they might have very little memory of what they previously read. When a student actively annotates a text, they will better connect with it, develop a deeper understanding, and retain more of the information presented within the text.

Strategy 1: Model the Basics

One of the most effective strategies for teaching a student how to annotate is to first model the process. Basic annotation concepts to teach might include: highlighting a phrase or sentence and writing a small note about it, circling words that need to be defined, putting a star next to important ideas or themes, and writing a short summary after each key section of the story or text.

Strategy 2: Practice, Practice, Practice

Students should practice annotating texts outside of their regular reading material to gain confidence in their annotation skills. Practice passages should be short in length. It can be beneficial to share examples of different types of notes to make beforehand. It is also very helpful to provide opportunities to openly discuss and go through notes that were made after a practice session.

Strategy 3: Use an Anchor Chart

Making, or buying, an annotation anchor chart can be a useful visual tool for readers. There are often pre-made annotation charts on platforms like Etsy and Teachers Pay Teachers. Or, they can be tailor-made to suit a specific type of text annotation based on the subject or type of literature. Making an annotation bookmark, with a list of all the associated symbols and what they stand for, serves as a great cue while reading.

Strategy 4: Color-Code

Color-coding is another visual tool that is an alternative to an anchor chart. Sticky notes, or colored circle stickers can be used with this method. Assign each color a specific task. For example, red might mean “character development”, blue might be “themes or symbols” and yellow might be “questions”.

Strategy 5: Make it Fun

Especially for those students just starting to annotate, playing annotation games can make the learning process enjoyable. Each number on a die can be assigned something to look for while reading. Students can take turns rolling a die and practicing what to annotate based on the number rolled.

Strategy 6: Don’t Forget about Digital Platforms

Most digital reading platforms nowadays offer fabulous annotation tools within them. Many have highlighters, underlines, circle or drawing tools, sticky notes, and fun symbols. Students should explore and take advantage of this function on all reading platforms they use when they read digitally.

Text annotation does not have to be incredibly complicated. By using some of these simple strategies, students can begin to gain confidence in annotating and comfort with interacting with texts.

Written by Laine J.

Strategies to Improve Memory and Retention for Exams


Test-taking can be quite difficult for students if their foundational memory and retrieval skills are weak. Luckily, there are an abundance of strategies out there to help improve memory and retention of academic concepts. According to Judy Willis, a master in the neuroscience of learning, “The more regions of the brain that store data about a subject, the more interconnection there is.” This idea is so vital in thinking about the way we have our children work on memorization and retention of new information for exams. The key is to choose not just one method to improve these skills, but to apply several to create interconnections in the brain and reinforce understanding and retention of what is being learned. Students can use these five strategies to improve their memory and retain information in preparation for their tests.

Setting the stage

We’ve all been there before…it’s the night before an exam and your child hasn’t even looked at the information once…so it’s time to cram. Understandably, this is not the best way for them to retain learned information. Strategies to support memory and retention will only be useful if the brain receives information in a well rested state and in digestible pieces. Students benefit greatly from creating a study schedule, chunking information to be learned over time and using the power of sleep. A couple of weeks before a scheduled test, setting aside even just 10-15 minutes a night to review information is very beneficial. Getting a good night’s sleep after studying has also been shown to improve memory. Breaking down the process of studying this way not only makes it less overwhelming, but also converts the information to our long-term memory much better.

Writing it Out

Let’s say a student has to read the next 4 chapters of their book for English class for homework. Then they go to school the next day, there’s a pop quiz over the material and they can’t remember a thing. Oftentimes, when students are just reading a book or textbook, they tend to go on autopilot and not truly absorb the information being presented. That’s why taking notes, especially in one’s own words, can help to improve the understanding of the key concepts and events. One example of “writing it out” might include taking notes during lessons at school and then at the end of each week creating flashcards that summarize all of that week’s notes. Another example is to jot down all of the key events, characters or important ideas at the end of nightly reading assignments. Creating visuals, like mind maps, or drawings that represent concepts is another way to engage different parts of the brain retain new information.

Using Memorization Tricks

Mnemonics and songs are wonderful ways to help improve memorization, especially of long lists of things that need to be remembered. ‘Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally’ to learn the order of operations is likely the most common mnemonic device that everyone learns in grade school. But mnemonic devices can be applied across all subjects to help memorize lists, orders and details. Creating a song or jingle can be especially helpful when memorizing math facts or math concepts.

Creating a Self-Test

It is not enough (for most people) to simply read through a set of flashcards five times and expect to have all of that information stored and ready to pull out in a testing situation. The idea of self-testing is a crucial one to enhance memorization and knowledge of what concepts need to be studied more and which ones are already mastered. There are now great websites, like Quizlet, where students can input terms, definitions, concepts, etc. and the website will create a quiz or test based on the details provided. Alternatively, students can ask a friend or family member to quiz them for a more interactive approach!

Teaching it to Someone Else

Playing the role of a teacher has to be one of the best ways to truly know if students understand a concept or piece of information. Try teaching it to a friend or family member. Being able to teach something to someone else means that you yourself must have a very solid understanding of the ideas at hand. This might be a good final step in the studying or memorization process!

There are many different strategies out there to help retain more information. It is not necessary to use ALL of these each time, but it is beneficial to experiment with different methods and find which ones work the best for each unique individual!

Written by Laine J.

Curing Those Homework Time Blues


Homework time can be one of the most stressful times of day. After all, kids already spend 6-7 hours per day at school and are then asked to do even more work once they get home. This can feel frustrating and draining. By putting structures and positive practices into place, homework time can become more manageable and feel pleasant for the whole family. While tutoring is a great option for support, there are steps you can take to create the perfect homework routine for your family.

Set up a Daily Routine

One of the first steps you can take at home is to set up a dedicated workspace for your children for their homework time block you set each day. This space should be inviting and distraction free. Although your children may initially complain and whine, setting up a system where they put their cell phone and other electronic devices away in a specific spot during their homework block will greatly reduce distraction. If you stay consistent with this practice, they will soon build good habits that will translate to other independent work time.

Use Sustained Attention Tricks

Sustaining attention during work time can be particularly challenging for students with ADHD and executive function deficits. One helpful strategy you can try if you have a child who struggles with this is body doubling, a technique where you sit quietly in the same or an adjacent viewable room to model focused work time. This makes your child feel more comfortable and encourages completion of tedious tasks that might otherwise be neglected. For those who still have difficulty, students can also try to stimulate one of their senses by using a fidget or putty in their non-dominant hand, sucking on a mint or listening to soft instrumental music. By giving their bodies something to do, it can enable their brain to focus better on the work task at hand.

Set Movement Breaks

Each student’s attention span is unique. Some kids can sit for an hour straight and some need a brain break every ten minutes. Whatever the case may be for your children, you can set a timer for each of their work cycles and then encourage them to get up and move their bodies for five minutes to reset. The trick is to learn how long they can work before losing focus, as you want to catch them for a movement break just before. To reenergize, they might like to jump on a small indoor exercise trampoline or have mini dance party to their favorite song. To recenter, they can try choosing a couple yoga poses or stretches that they enjoy. The key is, however, to structure your kids’ movement breaks so that they know after five minutes they need to get right back to work.

Find Pick-Me-Ups

Let’s face it, homework isn’t always fun. Finding small ways to make the time a little more enjoyable is important. Some ideas your kids can try (depending on their age) include: having a stuffed animal nearby, eating a small handful of their favorite snack after each task, having a family pet sleep at their feet or setting up a homework date with a friend. Study time can also feel more pleasurable by turn studying into a game or to use a white board with fun colors and visuals for practice.

Develop Metacognitive Practices

Encouraging your kids to attempt their homework assignments independently first is a great way to foster independence. You can offer small colored Post-It Page Markers to your children to flag items that feel confusing or difficult and invite them to check in with you near the end of their homework block for assistance. Having them communicate what they do versus do not comprehend enables them to build important metacognitive skills.

Written by Krista G.

Start the Morning Off Right: Tips and Tricks to Create a Smooth Before-School Routine


Has your family’s morning routine become a race to get out the door? With a consistent, peaceful morning routine, you can help ensure that your kids get to school on time and that they are prepared for their day mentally, physically and emotionally. Here are some tips and tricks you can try with your kids to help them start their day off right!

Prepare the Night Before

If your mornings tend to feel rushed, try creating a ‘night before’ organization checklist to tackle some of the to-dos before the busy morning even arrives. Some items your children can accomplish the evening before include: putting their homework and belongings into their backpack, packing their lunch, filling their water bottle and picking out their outfit. Not only does this allow your children to check items off their morning list, but it also reduces the stress of having so many morning to-dos.

Let a Little Light In

Building appropriate sleep and waking habits are instrumental to your kids’ wellbeing. With a good night’s sleep and sunlight cues, your children might wake naturally without the use of an alarm clock. This synchronizes the body’s biological clock and increases immunity and mood. Since it’s not always possible to wake with the morning sun, there are also really cool electronic tools, such as Hatch, that can illuminate a mock sunrise and even play peaceful morning sounds, like chimes or birds.

Set Clear Expectations

In particular for little ones, it is beneficial to create a morning routine checklist to set clear expectations for your children. This checklist can be hung in a central area of your home, like on the refrigerator in the kitchen, and can incorporate the use of choice items, such as stickers or dry erase markers. The list should be clear and concise, yet the level of detail can vary depending on your kids’ age and degree of independence. Younger kids frequently enjoy charts with visual cues. Older kids tend to do fine with a simpler format. It generally works best not to allow the use of electronics during the block of time before school so that your kids can stay focused on the tasks at hand.

Practice What You Preach

In order for your children to learn good habits, it is imperative that you, as the parent, model the behaviors you wish to see from them. Hopping out of bed, getting dressed and brushing your hair and teeth are behaviors your kids will expect to see from you before they follow suit. Sitting down for a balanced breakfast, whether it be a quick protein smoothie or a more elaborate oatmeal bar, is another important routine to have as a family. Kids look to their parents as role models, even when it comes to building their morning time management skills.

Use Fun Weekly Rewards

Offering your kids a weekly reward for leaving for school on time five days in a row might be just the extrinsic motivation your kids need while they are developing their good habits. Providing them the opportunity to earn a Friday afternoon hot cocoa or ice cream treat is a great way to increase their buy-in. You can keep a simple sticker chart in your vehicle for tracking and motivation purposes!

Written by Krista G.

Structuring a Balanced After-School Routine


Let’s face it…life for kids is busy. Between school, homework and extracurricular activities, they have so much to manage. Helping your children plan out and structure their time can help them feel organized, reduce their stress level and ensure they have balance in their lives. Below are some tips on how to create a well-rounded weekly schedule for your children.

Extracurricular Activities

It’s crucial that kids find passions in life and begin to develop a sense of self through the activities they do. Giving your children a choice of weekly activities (art, music, dance, sports, martial arts, yoga, etc.) allows them to feel a sense of control and confidence. It’s helpful to provide guidelines, however, to ensure that the choices include physical activity for exercise, are age and ability appropriate and work with your family’s overall schedule. Many programs offer free trial classes, which is a fabulous way to let your children try a variety of activities before committing to specific choices for a whole season or semester. To avoid over-scheduling, start with a single activity per day no more than 3-5 days per week. As kids get older, they might be able to manage a longer daily commitment. It depends on the individual. High interest activities tend to have very specific time constraints, so other components of your children’s after-school plan can be scheduled around their choices.

Consistent Homework Time

While there is an ongoing debate about the ideal amount of homework, many schools follow the research-based rule of thumb that students should receive 10 minutes of homework per class per night. That means, for instance, that a fifth grader should expect to spend 50 minutes on average per night doing homework. Teachers don’t always accurately estimate the length of time that activities take and each individual student has their own work pace, so the amount of time your child needs to block off for nightly homework should be individualized based on their actual circumstances. Scheduling a consistent daily time block for your children’s homework completion helps them get into a routine and emphasizes the importance of completing their assignments.

Family Dinners

Carving time out of each day to spend as a family is important. Putting family rituals into place while your kids are young will also help once they hit adolescence. Having family dinners at least four nights per week is a wonderful way to enjoy time together. It opens up space for dialogue, develops relationship-building skills and provides the opportunity for your kids to share details about their experiences and reality. One fun idea might be to let each child choose one dish for the family’s weekly meal plan and to have them help you prepare it so you have extra bonding time.

Daily Duties

Despite your fast-paced life, your kids can benefit and start to learn a sense of responsibility from doing age-appropriate chores. Having a set daily or weekly time for your children to accomplish a short 15-minute checklist of tasks is really helpful. A few ideas of age-appropriate duties for a 10-year-old, for instance, are (un)loading the dishwasher, folding and putting away their laundry and keeping their bedroom tidy. As kids get older, they gain interest in earning money for their work. As they approach their tween years, you can help them explore opportunities for a weekend neighborhood job, such as doing yard work, babysitting or dog walking. It is important, however, that they do not overcommit to a job so they can continue to manage the other aspects of their weekly schedule.

Social Time

It’s important that kids have time to be social and have fun. Life should not feel like it’s all work and children learn, develop and grow trough their social experiences. Outdoor and screen-free play are amazing. It is also acceptable for kids to set aside one hour each day for gaming or talking with friends online. There are really great parental control tools, like Bark, to help you manage and protect your kids on their electronics.

Down Time

Winding down with an hour of screen-free time at the end of each night can help ensure your kids’ minds and bodies prepare for sleep. After a nice warm bath or shower, some great activities you can suggest to your kids are reading, journaling, doodling, guided meditation and restorative yoga. Encouraging your children to create their own ritual will help them buy into this practice.

Reasonable Bedtime

Getting a good night’s sleep on a regular basis is important for kids’ overall wellbeing. Research indicates that children with appropriate sleep habits have improved attention, behavior, learning, memory, emotional regulation, quality of life, and mental and physical health. Depending on their specific age and unique needs, school-age children should get between 8 and 12 hours of sleep per night. Sticking to a consistent sleep schedule will benefit your kids greatly.

Sample After-School Schedule

Here is a sample after-school schedule that is appropriate for a 5th grader. Individualized times would vary depending on the specific age of your children. It’s very helpful to post a weekly version with your children’s specific activities per day on a whiteboard or wall calendar so they can start to develop their time management skills.

3:45pm Activity 

5:00pm Homework

6:00pm Family Dinner

6:45pm Daily Duties

7:00pm Social Time

8:00 Down Time

9:00pm Bedtime

Written by Krista G.



With the end of the semester approaching, many secondary students are feeling anxious about their final exams. As a parent you can incorporate specific practices in your home to help your child feel more at ease and make their testing experience a positive one. Here are five useful tips to help your student enter their exam week with confidence and ease.

Get Clear on Expectations

Before your child dives right into the studying process, set aside time for a brief check-in to offer support and encouragement. Taking a few minutes to go through your child’s course materials and communications from teachers together can ensure your learner has a complete, accurate list of all test and project requirements. Making a to-do list for each course is a huge help! If your child has any gaps in materials or understanding, you can suggest they reach out to a classmate for guidance or you can help your child craft a message to their teachers to clarify expectations.

Create a Visual Plan

It is extremely beneficial to create a visual plan that includes the dates of all of your child’s exams and a study plan for each day for 1-2 weeks prior to the test dates. You can use a large month-view wall or desk calendar or create a multi-week sticky note calendar  that allows for manipulation of information as plans change. With your guidance, your child should be the one to actually fill in the details on the calendar with colors and markings they enjoy so that they feel in control of their own study plan. Encourage your student to make a logical plan based on how much preparation is necessary for each exam, the actual date of each test, as well as any other activities they need to work around during those weeks. Your child might need a gentle reminder that it will be best to study multiple days for each exam.

Block Off Time to Study AND Time for Breaks

Setting up an efficient study schedule often requires time for the actual studying to take place and time for rest, movement or recharge. For each study day, it is important that your child blocks off chunks of time in this manner. For the available study time, suggest a certain pattern based on your child’s unique needs. One method that might be useful for final exam preparation is the Pomodoro Technique, where a student uses a timer and takes a 5-minute brain break after each 25-minute study period. After 4 study rounds, the student can take a well-deserved longer break to eat and do something enjoyable for an agreed upon time. You can even incorporate a reward system with this study model if it is beneficial for your learner.

Use Tailored Study Techniques

There are many useful study techniques and some might work better for your child than others. It can be very helpful to have a dialogue with your child prior to their study time each evening to ensure they are making logical technique choices based on the subject matter they need to review. You can offer to quiz your child over material once they have reviewed information independently, or they can flip the role and try to teach you or a sibling the information they are learning to really make sure they are clear on the concepts. More than anything, however, it is incredibly important for you as a parent to maintain a positive outlook so your student feels good about the work they are doing and the support you are offering.

Focus on Health and Wellbeing

Since your child will be expending great amounts of energy on assimilation and retention of information, it will be essential that they drink plenty of water and eat ‘brain’ foods and balanced meals with limited sugar. They should also aim to get at least 8 hours of sleep each night. To help calm their nerves, you can also suggest they set up a daily ritual to destress, such as spending 10 minutes using items from their calm down kit each morning, afternoon and bedtime during their final exam week. Throughout the week it will also boost your child’s mood and confidence if you find opportunities to acknowledge their hard work and let them know that their personal best is always good enough for you.

Written by Krista G.


Creating the Ultimate Calm Down Kit: Using the Five Senses to Reset and Regulate


What is a calm down kit you ask? Well, a calm down kit is a tool that can be used to help children self-regulate, center themselves, and reset. Building a calm down kit does not have to be expensive or complicated. You and your child can create a simple and effective calm down kit by focusing on items that engage with the five senses. So, grab a basket, box or bag and let’s begin to curate the ultimate calm down kit!

Below are some ideas for items or activities that your child might enjoy placing in their calm down kit that correlate with each of the five senses: Sight, Touch, Listen, Smell, and Taste.


Items to add to your child’s calm down basket that will appeal to the visual senses might include:

-breathing exercise cards

-glitter jar or snow globe

-I Spy book

-family photo album


Below are some tools to help your child engage with the sense of touch:

-fidget toy, like a Pop-It

-palm or scalp massager

-putty or slime

-stress ball

-sensory bag or pillow

-Rubik’s cube

-soft and cozy blanket

-if younger, a favorite stuffed animal


Items that will create a sense of calmness through listening might include:

-headphones to listen to a calming playlist


-sound machine

-music box

-chimes or gentle bells


Aromatherapy is a great way to immediately trigger a sense of calm. Here are some objects you can add to your child’s calm kit to ignite the sense of smell:

-essential oils

-nature scents


-scented markers

-scratch and sniff stickers




It’s always nice for your child to have a little treat or something appealing to their sense of taste:

-dark chocolate

-mints or gum


-hard candy or lollipop

-favorite quick snack

Other Items to Include:

Some other items you may want to think about including in your child’s calm down basket might include:

-mindfulness coloring books

-yoga pose cards

-small puzzles or crossword books

-gratitude or regular journal


Depending on your child’s age and general self-regulation needs, invite them to select about 8-12 items to place in their calm basket to start. Objects can be swapped out monthly or seasonally. After selecting items for the kit, set some boundaries about when and how to use it. Your child should find a special place to put their calm down kit, ideally in a quiet and comfortable environment. A good time to use this kit is whenever they are feeling overwhelmed or frustrated or experiencing any other big emotion.

Calm down kits should be used for around 10-15 minutes per session as a quick brain and emotional reset. During this time your child should choose 2-3 items that they are drawn toward and that they feel will help them regulate their emotions and lift their mood.

A calm down kit is a simple and effective tool for social and emotional regulation that can be added to your house today! Here is an example of a calm basket shared on Peak’s Instagram account.

Written by Laine J.

Promoting Student Social and Emotional Wellbeing At Home


Social and emotional wellbeing is such a crucial aspect of student health. As children progress through school, assignments lengthen, activities increase and demands heighten. All of the sudden, your child can find themselves overwhelmed, stressed and struggling to keep up with a heavy workload and tight schedule of extracurricular activities. So, let’s talk about what social and emotional wellbeing is and how you as a parent can promote wellness at home despite all the demands of school and life.

Social and emotional wellness essentially comes down to an individual’s ability to create and foster relationships with others, make responsible decisions, and comprehend and cope with their emotions. One’s ability to develop a healthy and strong sense of identity, manage emotions, achieve personal and academic goals, and adapt to changing circumstances all rely heavily on their social and emotional wellness. Social and emotional wellness also strengthens one’s ability to create healthy boundaries, build a positive social network, navigate conflict, and encourage communication and trust. Clearly, social and emotional wellness is incredibly vital not only to academic performance, but also success throughout all of life’s challenges and twists and turns.

Research shows that when students are explicitly taught social and emotional learning skills and given opportunities for practice and reinforcement that they have better behavioral, social and academic outcomes. So, let’s go through a few simple ways you can encourage social and emotional wellbeing as a family at home:

Coping Skills

Help your child to come up with some self-affirmations that will foster self-confidence and resiliency. Self-affirmations might be phrases like “I can do this,” “I am enough,” or “I can do amazing things.” Another activity which encourages coping skills in students is a daily journaling practice. Reflecting upon the day's events for 5-10 minutes a day can help to achieve goals, track progress, inspire new ideas and build confidence.

Gratitude Practice

Create a gratitude journal that your child can fill out each day. If the idea of a journal is too daunting, try sitting down as a family at dinner, or at the end of the day, and have everyone say three things they are grateful for. Modeling this practice is very helpful for kids. It’s beneficial to have your child share specific people, places and experiences, as well as why they feel gratitude for each.

Self-Care Routine

Incorporating self-care practices into daily life helps to strengthen social and emotional wellness. Finding a way for your child to exercise lightly each day for 15-20 minutes is a great way to encourage self-care. Dancing, yoga, bike riding and a walk around the block are all simple ways to get daily movement in. Apart from exercise, you can encourage your child to create other enjoyable nighttime routines to unwind and relax, like taking a warm bubble bath, coloring mandalas or reading for pleasure!


Mindfulness is one of the absolute best ways to increase focus and reduce stress. Compiling a list of breathing exercises your child can choose from when they need a break, like the Take 5 breathing, or practicing a daily mindful minute together as a family can be so powerful. Spending time as a family outside listening to the sounds of nature is another great mindfulness activity.


With our busy schedules, it can be difficult to find opportunities to come together as a family. Though it may be hard to find the time, it’s important to make the effort to connect as a family each day. Enjoying family dinners, baking cookies, playing board games or coming up with a special craft or day-trip can all be fabulous ways to connect.

Written by: Laine J.

How to Make Summer Reading Enjoyable for Your Child 


“I have to read?!?! But it’s summer!!” Can’t you just hear kids all over the country saying this when they find out that reading is still a part of summer break? Sure, some kids LOVE to read but for others, especially beginning readers, it can be hard to motivate them to want to sit down and pick up a book. Summer can be a great time to introduce some fun and engaging ways to make reading more enjoyable for your emerging reader! 

Create a Fun Reading Environment

After spending the year in a classroom reading at a desk each day, it’s time to change things up a little bit. Try to make reading a “special” event by creating a new reading environment. This might include building a pillow and blanket fort or putting up a tent, grabbing some flashlights and getting cozy with a book. Another idea is getting some fresh air. Head to the park with a picnic and a few new books and spend the afternoon snacking and reading. Changing up the environment might be just the thing your reader needs to kick start their summer reading! 

Take a Trip to the Library 

Throughout the summer, take a few trips to the library to refresh reading material. Ask your child what kinds of things they might like to read about and help them find this at the library. Some kids enjoy more non-fiction magazines and research books, while others enjoy fiction or picture books. The library will have all sorts of new books they have never seen before and will entice them to pick up a new book and get reading.  

Think Outside of the Box

Reading doesn’t just have to be in a book! Your child can practice reading in a lot of other ways too. Find new items your child might able to read like street signs, menus, magazines or fun reading apps. Practice is still practice, and as an added bonus your child will be so proud when they find out they can read things out in the real world that they might not have ever tried or been able to before. 

Build it into the Routine 

Sure, summer is all about having unstructured time, vacations, relaxing and getting a break. But, children still thrive with some routine and structure. Try to build in some reading time at the same time each day. Perhaps after lunch, during quiet time you can have your child sit and read for 10- 30 minutes a day. By making it part of the daily routine, there may be fewer battles to get the reading done. 

Read to Someone New 

Have your child try reading to someone new like grandma or grandpa, siblings, the family pet or even their stuffed animals. This takes some of the pressure off and allows them to be more relaxed with their reading. If you are reading with your child, try taking turns and having them read a page and you read a page so that they also get practice hearing fluency. 

Use a Simple Incentives System 

If your little one is really opposed to summer reading, it can be helpful to introduce some incentives, or rewards, for getting their reading done. Come up with a goal for either how many minutes per day or how many books in a week that they must read. Maybe they get a small weekly reward like a trip to the ice cream shop or little toy every time they hit their reading goal. For older kiddos, it might be helpful to have a larger monthly goal for the summer with a bigger reward to look forward to if they reach their goal like a day trip or a shopping spree before the new school year!

Written by: Laine J.

Reflecting on and Celebrating Big Accomplishments from the School Year


As the school year winds down and comes to a close, now is the perfect time to do some reflecting and some celebrating! Looking back on the year’s biggest successes is a wonderful way to strengthen the executive skill of metacognition and continue the upward momentum into the summer and next school year. It is very important to celebrate a students’ successes no matter how big or small for a variety of reasons. This positive reinforcement provides motivation, builds confidence, acknowledges their effort and ultimately reinforces and strengthens the better habits they’ve worked so hard to build all year long. 

Let’s start with reflecting upon the year as a whole. Hopefully, at the beginning of the school year, or at the start of each semester, you and your child created some specific and measurable goals. Examples of goals you may have set throughout the school year might be: getting all A’s in each course taken, arriving to school on time every day, only having one missed homework assignment per month, or remembering to check off a daily planner. Take a look at whether these goals were met either month by month or each semester and hopefully you will see progress in some, or all, of the goals set throughout the year! It could be worthwhile to create a chart or graph as a visual way to show the progress made. Try to highlight all the positives, make a note of what went right and what strategies worked the best so you can continue those into the next school year! If some goals weren’t met, those can be moved to the top of the priority list for the upcoming school year. 

Let’s celebrate! It’s possible you already had an incentive system in place when certain goals were reached throughout the school year. Now may be a good time to look at the progress made for the year as a whole and pick out an extra special way to celebrate. Experiences are a great option for celebrating accomplishments since they are so memorable. Perhaps you can plan a special family dinner out, a staycation or day trip, or a shopping spree to your child’s favorite store! Acknowledging your child’s successes throughout the school year in a unique and personal way goes a long way toward sustaining the skills they have worked so hard on all year long and helping them to see that it is worth it to continue to build upon these skills and strategies into the future. 

Written by: Laine J.

Study Skills: Five Tips to Organize Notes and Materials for More Efficient Study Time `


Studying is a huge skill necessary to learn, especially as students enter middle and high school. Often times, students think the act of “studying” is one that should occur a night or two before the big test. They spend hours re-reading all of their notes and materials, only to feel stressed and under-prepared (and tired from staying up late) on the day of the test. Studying is actually a process that should be taking place throughout the entire semester. Understanding some key study skills can greatly improve the process of studying and cut out those dreaded late night cram sessions. Below are five tips to organize materials and notes for a more efficient and effective study time. 

1. Take Active Notes in Class: One of the best ways to cut down on study time right before a test is to actively take notes in class in an organized manner. The Cornell Method of note-taking is a great option to help with organized note-taking. There are printable templates for the Cornell Note Taking method on Etsy, or you can make it yourself. Split the page into three sections: one for notes from class, one for the main idea and a small section at the bottom for summarizing. Taking the extra time to make organized notes in class will significantly reduce the amount of time needed to actively study closer to the test.

2. Create Study Materials: After each unit in class, take some time to create study materials from the organized notes you have been taking. This might look like a new set of flashcards, or a simple study guide pertaining to each unit of information. Having these materials already made by the time the test comes up will be key in cutting down on study time, and will provide active review in the process. 

3. Create a study schedule: Pulling an all-nighter the evening before a big test is certainly not the most effective way to study. Our brains retain information better when we take it in in shorter chunks over longer periods of time. Once your child has an organized note-taking system, they can then create a study schedule where they set aside 20-30 minutes 2-3 times a week for each class to actively review notes. This happens every single week, not just before the big test, so that by the time the test comes up they will have a deeper understanding of the knowledge required of them for the test. 

4. Organize Materials by Topic: If you have been given a study guide, this is a wonderful opportunity to organize your notes and materials by topics and sub-topics provided on the study guide. Take a look through the study guide and write down a list of all the main topics that will be required to know on the test. Then go through all of your notes and materials from class and organize them by topics covered on the study guide.

5. Participate in active studying techniques: Re-reading notes can be helpful throughout the semester, however more active study techniques need to be utilized to study effectively and efficiently. Quizlet is an online platform that allows you to create quizzes or flashcards for your classes. By formulating questions yourself, and then answering them you are much more actively participating in the study process and will better learn the information. Alternately, have a friend or family quiz you over the required material. 

Written by: Laine J.

Tips and Tricks To Help With Task Initiation 


Imagine this: a high school student has an essay due in one month. They know they have the whole month to finish it so they focus on other assignments that are due sooner. One week from the due date, the teacher reminds the class about the essay due at the end of the month, yet now that student also has two tests, two quizzes, a busy extra-curricular schedule and one more project all due at the same time. Suddenly, the once small task that they had plenty of time for, they now have zero time for. This is an example of where task initiation skills would have come in handy. Task initiation, the opposite of procrastination, can be one of the hardest executive functioning skills to improve. Let’s dive into some strategies and tips to help strengthen this vital skill that is needed not only during school years, but into adulthood as well. 

Have a discussion with your child about obstacles that they feel inhibit them from starting their work. Make a list of these obstacles on one side of a paper, and then work together to come up with specific strategies on the other side of the paper of how to perhaps overcome these obstacles. For example, a common obstacle for starting a task might be “This assignment is going to take way too long, and I don’t have time to start on it tonight.” A solution may be to break down the assignment into smaller pieces, i.e. picking two of the fifteen total math problems, or writing just the introduction paragraph of the essay. Have this chart of obstacles and solutions easily accessible so your student can pull it out whenever needed. 

For particularly hard-to-start tasks, consider rewards. For example, if there is an assignment that your child has been avoiding all week long, perhaps they can earn a small reward (like their favorite smoothie or a special dessert) if they get started and make significant progress on that work. It will be helpful to specify exactly how much of the assignment they need to complete to earn the reward. 

Try using a timer to help with short bursts of work. Set a timer for twenty minutes and tell your child they are going to work on this assignment for twenty minutes only today and then take a break and move onto something else. Sometimes, having a set time to work on it can make the task seem less overwhelming. 

Set up a prepared environment for homework time. Make sure that your child has a clutter and distraction free place to get their homework done each day. Consider if they may need reduced access to their phone or the internet during their set homework time. Having a calm and organized environment with minimal distractions can help with task initiation. 

Provide extra support at the beginning of hard tasks. It can be helpful to sit with your child as they begin a task or assignment that they have been putting off. Tell them that you are going to get some of your work done while they start to get their work done. This may be enough to give them the structured push they need to get going on their work. 

Written by: Laine J

Five Strategies to Help Boost Reading Comprehension


One of the most fundamental academic skills all children must learn is that of reading comprehension. In its most basic sense, reading comprehension involves understanding and interpreting what is read. Reading comprehension is a vital skill which can be used across all subjects, not just language arts. Improving reading comprehension unlocks a better understanding of word problems, research and non-fiction texts. So, let’s dive into five strategies to help boost a student’s reading comprehension that can be implemented every day! 

  1. Preview the text: Often, young readers will dive into a text without thinking much about what they are about to read. It can be extremely beneficial to preview a text before reading it and answer a few key questions. Firstly, identify what type of text is about to be read. Is it fiction or non-fiction? Was it written to teach us about something or to be entertaining? Knowing the category a certain text falls into can be helpful to understand before reading the text and lead to better comprehension of the passage. Secondly, identify any unknown words or text features and discuss them prior to reading the passage.

  2. Gain New Vocabulary: One thing that holds many young readers back from fully understanding and being able to interpret a passage is their lack of knowledge about new vocabulary. Even if a child can literally read each word, if they cannot understand key vocabulary they will also struggle to understand the passage. A helpful strategy to help with vocabulary would be to go through the entire passage and ask your child to tell you each word that they don’t already know the meaning of. They can make a list of these new words and then you can work together to find definitions. You could then make flashcards or a matching game with the vocabulary words to help your child learn them.

  3. Generate Questions: If you are reading aloud with your child, which is highly recommended for all new readers especially, be sure to stop every few minutes and ask questions directly related to what you just read. Some examples might be, “what do you think is going to happen next,” or “wait, on the last page where did Jimmy go again?”. Often times, young readers will be so focused on just reading the words correctly and with fluency that they don’t slow down to internalize what just happened in the story. Stopping every once and awhile and briefly discussing key characters and events will help consolidate the information being read.

  4. Summarize: After each chapter or section of a text, practice summarizing. This could be done aloud or written down. What were the most important things that happened in this passage? Who were the key characters? Work on helping your child to summarize only the most important events and to do so in the sequence in which they occurred in the story.

  5. Find Evidence: Students need to not only be able to answer more simple questions regarding a text (i.e. setting, characters, sequence of events), but they also need to be able to answer more higher level questions and use evidence directly from the text to back up their answers. Some questions you might be able to ask would be “In the last chapter, Jimmy was feeling nervous. Find me a sentence that shows that Jimmy was feeling nervous.” Underlining, highlighting or pointing out the specific sentence that shows the answer from the text is another key skill to improve upon reading comprehension especially in the context of test taking skills.

Written by: Laine J.