The importance of Exploring Outlets


During a child’s first five years of life, their interaction with caregivers sets the stage for their emotional development for life. The five stages of emotional development during these years consist of a variety of emotional skills such as: naming, identifying, self-regulating, expressing, and managing emotions. And while you can help your child develop these skills during the early years, how can you support your child with their emotional development when they venture off into full days of school, extracurricular activities, and play-dates? Helping your child discover new independent interests gives them a unique opportunity to engage with emotional outlets. 

What Are Outlets?

Outlets are activities and/or interests that children can practice regularly as a way to manage emotions. These outlets can range from a variety of activities and can be practiced independently or in a more directed, group setting. There are different types of outlets children can explore to find their passion and interest. Young children often begin exploring extracurricular activities such as sports, dance, mindfulness activities, band/music, theatre, art, STEM, technology/coding, and many more! Through these various activities, children can explore their interests, improve their skills, and develop a sense of identity. 

Benefits of Outlets 

There are many benefits to utilizing outlets as an avenue for self-expression and self-regulation strategies. Here are some specific benefits to channeling outlets:

Goal Setting- Outlets provide explicit practice with creating, attaining, and planning goals. For example, a child may want to learn a new soccer trick or art skill or develop fluency in math puzzles. These examples all require specific goals and steps to reach these goals. While younger children may require assistance at first, eventually they will learn to independently set and attain goals. This skill will inevitably transfer into other areas of their lives as well. 

Expressing and Managing Emotions- Outlets provide a safe and controlled environment to express emotions and even manage stress. The skills learned in the controlled environment can be used in independent or guided practice to help self-regulate emotions. For example, if your child relies on a structured activity weekly, such as yoga, they can choose to use these skills when they are feeling dysregulated. 

Self Discovery- Outlets can provide an opportunity to discover new interests and explore a variety of passions. As children practice specific activities over time, they often learn ways to manage different executive functioning skills such as: planning/time management, flexibility, organization, self control, task initiation, and emotional control. Explicit practice in multiple contexts will help them become proficient in these skills. 

Increased Development in Many Areas- Once children begin school, there is a large emphasis on academic achievement and development that continues through adolescence. This can cause limited time to practice other essential areas of development. When children are provided time to participate in outlets, they are practicing non-academic skills that will help them succeed in school. These skills include gross/fine motor skills, emotional development, imagination, critical thinking, creativity, confidence, communication/language skills, empathy, and general life skills.

From exploring new interests to stepping out of your comfort zone to safely regulating your emotions, outlets offer a variety of opportunities to reconnect with yourself. Children, teens, and adults can all benefit from exploring outlets and choosing specific ones that work best for them. In early childhood, children may choose to explore a variety of activities before choosing specific areas of interest. For example, a child may explore dance, ice skating, sports, pottery, and yoga before choosing a specific outlet. Additionally, as children grow into teens and adults, their interests may change. As humans, we are continuously learning and re-discovering ourselves as we enter new stages of life. With that said, outlets may change and new interests may be explored at different stages of life.

If your child is looking to learn more about Yoga & Crafts as an outlet, please check out our  group class offerings!

Written by Ami Z.

Supporting Children as They Develop a Sense of Self


As humans, our sense of self is integral to most every aspect of our life. Identity can be formed from a variety of factors, including hobbies, personality traits, occupation, spiritual beliefs and more. As opposed to their youngest years of life, children entering elementary school and beyond begin to develop their unique sense of self in a more meaningful and abstract manner. Integrating projects, enrichment activities, discussion, reflection, and hobbies can all benefit children in the development of their identity and their ability to express themselves.

Choice Projects

Project-based learning is ideal for the development of a positive sense of self because it promotes intrinsic motivation, curiosity, questioning, reflection and child-led task initiation. Projects might be child-led, teacher assigned, or created by a family member! If assigned a project for school, children can find small ways to tailor the project to fit their interests. For example, they can find a topic that speaks to them, or choose a manner to present their project that excites them. Perhaps they are a visual learner and want to hand-draw every picture in their presentation, or they love making movies and choose to do their presentation video style! With summer coming up, this is a great time for parents to encourage their children to pick a project of their own to work on over the next couple of months. Self-directed projects offer a full creative outlet for children to work within, all while learning more about themselves and what makes them who they are. Long term self-choice projects appropriate for the summer might include: learning how to build and maintain a garden bed, writing a book or comic book, creating a dance routine or talent show, doing a research project on a place they want to travel, or building their own robot! The options here are endless, with an end-goal of finding something that encourages the joy of discovery and is as self-led as possible.

Enrichment Activities

Enrichment activities, or extracurriculars, play a huge role in building a child’s sense of identity. Parents may offer guidance and support in the process of exploring which activities speak most to their children. Extracurriculars can often become overwhelming and sometimes, not so child-led. It is beneficial to really observe children’s interests and help them to choose activities outside of school that are going to spark joy and help them grow as individuals. After all, children end up spending MANY hours doing these activities, so it’s important to pick ones that they find interesting. Take inventory of what hobbies are already most enjoyable to the child and align those with a club, camp, or class. Nowadays, there are an array of options to choose from, like music, sports, cooking, yoga, dance, theater and STEM. It may be helpful to allow children the space to practice a few of these enrichment activities in order to then be able to narrow down their favorites!


As children grow and advance throughout elementary school, so too does their sense of self and identity. The end of the school year provides a great opportunity for kids to reflect upon goals, achievements, growth and personal interests. Here are some ideas that may jumpstart this process. Students can put together a portfolio of all of their favorite projects, art pieces, writing samples and other accomplishments. They can share this with friends and family and talk through the “why” behind their choices. To reflect on their best memories from outside of school, encourage children to create a “top 10” list of the ten most memorable, funny, interesting or unique things that happened to them over the year. This can become a scrapbook of sorts if they tie in a small writing and add photographs or illustrations to go along with each item on their list. This type of self-examination will ultimately help children to better evaluate their strengths, passions and gifts!

A strong, and positive sense of self is helpful in every arena of life down the road. Understanding one’s own core beliefs and identity benefits the ability to set boundaries, achieve goals, develop and maintain relationships and so much more. Finding ways to weave in self-exploration throughout the school-aged years, ultimately fosters and nurtures the confidence and pride a child has with their own identity.

Written by Laine J.